Click Here to go Straight to the Pictures

This is a very small token of my appreciation for all the business everyone has given me this year. This CD contains about 33 images that I have taken or created over the last 12 months. There are four categories:

  • Scenery (misc. shots around Jackson, makes for great desktop backgrounds)
  • Josh (a few pictures of your favorite consultant doing misc. things)
  • Newton (What Christmas CD would be complete without pictures of my dog)
  • Abstract (a few pictures that I really liked. Most of them I changed in photoshop)

I have formatted just about all of them to be used as desktop backgrounds for your computer.

To view all of the images, "Click Me to Browse"

To set an image as your desktop background, follow the instructions below. I would like to thank all of you for your patronage througout the year, it has been a pleasure working with every single one of you.

To set your desktop background : (follow the directions for your operating system)

PC: Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP

Browse the pictures on the CD by double clicking on the file: "Click Me to Browse"

When you locate a picture that you like (the large version of the picture), click on it with the right mouse button. Drag down until you get to "Set as Wallpaper". Click on it with the left mouse button.

Macintosh: (System 8.5-9.1)

Browse the pictures on the CD by double clicking on the file: "Click Me to Browse"

When you locate a picture that you like (the large version of the picture), click and hold on it with the mouse. Drag down until you get to "Download Image to Disk". Click on it with the mouse. Save the image to your Desktop.

Go menu(apple...control panels...appearance). Click once on the "Desktop" tab.

To change the picture simply drag the icon for the picture (the icon should be on your desktop) over the control panel's window. Another way is to click "Select Desktop Picture" and a dialog box will appear thus allowing you to navigate your hard disk for the desired picture. Once you're happy with your selection, click on the "Set Desktop" button and you're done!

Macintosh: (System 8.0-8.1)

Browse the pictures on the CD by double clicking on the file: "Click Me to Browse"

When you locate a picture that you like (the large version of the picture), click and hold on it with the mouse. Drag down until you get to "Download Image to Disk". Click on it with the mouse. Save the image to your Desktop.

Open the Desktop Pictures control panel (menu: apple...control panels...desktop pictures)

To change the picture simply drag the icon for the picture (the icon should be on your desktop) over the control panel's window. Another way is to click "Select Desktop Picture" and a dialog box will appear thus allowing you to navigate your hard disk for the desired picture. Once you're happy with your selection, click on the "Set Desktop" button and you're done!